Friday, December 2, 2011

“Don’t Worry, You’ll Find Him One Day…”

Ahhh, give me a break! Are there any other single women out there who get tired of hearing women in relationships tell them to “not worry” about finding a man? It’s as if, because we are single, it’s just assumed that we are constantly worried about finding the right man for us.

Recently, after listening to a coworker tell me all about her boyfriend, I was shocked at the end of our conversation to see her face tilt to the side slightly and hear her tell me, “You’ll find someone too one day, don’t worry, he’s out there.” I was appalled by her statement. Literally, I laughed out loud at her statement because I was so shocked that she just “assumed” I was worried and that she felt the need to throw this little bit of encouragement my way.

Does the fact that I am single suddenly lead the world to believe that I am “worried” about meeting a guy or that I need the sympathy and “encouragement” of women in relationships to keep my head up? When did becoming single suddenly mean that I didn’t know what was good for me anymore or that I couldn’t just be happy with a “Do Not Disturb” sign on my heart for the time being?

Contrary to what this coworker felt when she was single, I have been surprisingly happy in my new-found single life and world. Don’t get me wrong, being in love can be perfect bliss but finding time to love yourself and do what you want when you want is a gift that every woman needs to experience. The female friend I spoke of earlier often tells me about how she has to run “errands” for her man on the way home and I can’t help but smile thinking that I only worry about running errands for me now. She worries about what she’s going to pick up for dinner and if her man will like what she’s cooking… I can relax, drink my favorite glass of red wine, and experiment cooking whatever pops into my head at night; if I don’t like it I eat something else, problem solved. She never has time for herself, never gets to do what she wants and has basically quit going out with her friends regularly… I can’t begin to tell you how much my movie and book knowledge have expanded now that I actually have time to watch what I want. And I absolutely love that I have time for a night out with my girlfriends these days.

After all that, I once again laugh that anyone would feel “sorry” for a single woman. You are strong, beautiful, and have the world at your fingertips. You do what you want, when you want, and experience life in a way that would make any woman in a relationship jealous of you. 

So, instead of being the recipient of that sympathy, I feel like we single women should start giving women in relationships the sympathetic head tilt sometimes and tell them, “Don’t worry, you’ll find you one day…”



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